Set just before World War I, The Eccentricities of a Nightingale follows Alma Winemiller, the eccentric daughter of the town minister and an emotionally crippled mother. Alma, “The Nightingale of the Delta,” is an impassioned and vocally gifted young woman in love with the young doctor next door, John Buchanan. John, feeling pressure from his mother to marry advantageously, is drawn to Alma’s quirky sensibilities.
“How amazing for our actors to explore this piece without having to live up to the performances of people like Marlon Brando, Paul Newman or Elizabeth Taylor. That's just one of the benefits of working on these lesser known masterpieces by one the theatre’s truly great geniuses." says director Shad Willingham.
The Eccentricities of a Nightingale
April 12-16th at 8 pm
April 16-17th at 2 pm
Tickets are available at the Lupin Theater Box Office at 865-5106 or